
New website up
After a long time working with my own custom joomla version, I
decided its time to give it a slight overall
(Especially for working with bigger resolutions
Please be aware that some old stuff is still missing until
I shift all stuff to the new server
I was a bit divided to bring this up as an feature. For one reason I don't want to use my spare time moderating a forum, and I don't want to introduce it as a feature on this site for security reasons.
On the other hand, I might get some additional input on things like articles, and some methods I'm developing. For example the hdri stage light post might be an interesting discussion and this might be the ideal way to clear things up.
For this reason several articles will now feature a link to a external forum thread. Where even guests are allowed to post on. (Not sure if this holds up, since even a simple contact form on this site was an invitation to spam, so I might go with a registered users only if things go bad).
Since security is more or less in the hand of the site administrator I hope this works out well. Its still recommended, IF you register to use a throwaway / spamcollection e-mail adress
I know this is 2021, and forums across the world are more or less dead...
It might be the most depressing thing I ever did to this site.
