New website up
After a long time working with my own custom joomla version, I decided its time to give it a slight overall
(Especially for working with bigger resolutions

Please be aware that some old stuff is still missing until
I shift all stuff to the new server


These transformation tools are designed to position your object inside Layout in a more comfortable way.

Due to the fact, there were slight changes to the LayoutTool class in the last view versions,
I decided to make this a 9.3.1 and lw 11.0 version only (sorry for this)

All tools work on the primarly viewport axis only  (= not in perspective, light and camera view)
Use the right mouse button for larger step sizes (as for AddRotation and Custom Rotation: 1 Degree)

All tools currently ignore "autokey off".


AddRotation++, this tool is mainly a replacement for LightWaves own  "Add Rotation".
Unlike the original this version works on all selected objects.


Allows you to rotate one / several objects around a custom center, with or without keeping the original rotation.

  Origin: Either a custom origin (by entering a value or dragging the cross indicating the center) or the average position of all pivots.
  Method: (Either keep current individual orientation of the object, or rotate it .
(can result to unexpected results with child objects)

  Popup: For quick assigning an object pivot as a rotation center.
  Numerical Input: for entering the exact values.
  Apply: For entering a numeric value / apply it to the selected object (similar behaviour like modelers tools).


Allows you to scale the distance between different objects (without scaling the objects itself),
most of the functions / behavior are similar to Custom Rotation.

Stretch allows you to manualy scale into the visibe viewport direction (ZX for top view etc...)
Stretch Flat Keeps the proportions in the ZX axis while scaling
Scale: Scales in all three axis


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