New website up
After a long time working with my own custom joomla version, I decided its time to give it a slight overall
(Especially for working with bigger resolutions

Please be aware that some old stuff is still missing until
I shift all stuff to the new server


recommended soundtrack

Little experiment I did wich might be useable in future: Started to create a simple sans serif version of the Voynich font.

I did used this font as a reference, and while I didn't used a single line of direct data, it helped a lot getting the thing done in a short period of time (1 full day) using FontForge and inkscape. Will complete this thing as soon as I find the time, still some chars missing / some of the chars could be created by combining other characters etc. But for some basic usage this might be ok. Also be aware that I'm not the font-guy.

Its an interesting font: a lot of the glyphs are a combination of some smaller subsets, also I'm not sure if this is intended but the inclusion of three general line heights ( big / medium and small captial letters) and a general structured appearance let me think that this is a designed font.

So if you are in need for a foreign looking display font feel free to use.



cc attribution    
Licensed under CC Attribution. If attribution (like link to license) is not possible,you can also provide a link to the work you did so I can put it on this webpage




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