The hdr light dump #2 is the second release of some hdri of lamps I've captured during the 2 years. Either for texturing, lighting and compositing. Although some can be used with a 360 projection, these are NOT hdri enviroments.
Most of these images are unedited. This has been done for two reasons: First it allows me to release the set quite cheap, and second it gives you the most creative freedom possible.
EDIT: Release 1.2 now features 2 smaller edited zip files (500px and 1000 px) wich are calibrated and edited towards lighting. (Tested in Leomoon Light Studio, where I have to reduce the default 2.0 brightness to 1.0 and lower). Use the 500 version for presets and replace them with the 1000 one if you need higher resolutions
Here is a list of lamps I do provide, and a test render of the unedited images. Depending on the renderer you need some high samples to get the image noise free. Activate Multible Importance Samping if possible for the objects. If you only got backdrop MIS, I recommend you to export the lighting setup as a panoramic backdrop image and use this instead for the final render.
Unlike the last release I did use a renderer for the previews wich does not provide clean outputs, so people can judge how much splotches those images will produce after denoising. All images are rendered in ecycles with the standard denoiser. Of course you are invited to experiment with the images (change saturation hue, and the general exposure etc). The preview render uses the unedited light images, with variing intensities. I didn't bother to calibrate these images, so a 45W LED might be even brighter than a 135 Watt fluorescent light. The preview images of the lamps are tonemapped, to show the covered range. (All images except studio 03 are unclipped)
The idea behind this project is to test waters if such a dump is actually self subtaineable / I can make some further investments in light types All images are free to use for commercial and uncommercial projects, as long as you do not redistribute the images
You can buy them pretty cheap here, please use the contact page on gumroad for questions since I want to keep this site uncommercial:

Backlit Cloth

Backlit Cloth with structure. |

Bubble wrap lights

Various bubble wrapped lights either lit from the back or from the side |

Fluorescent 45 Watt light

Neutral Light,side and top view |

LED Corn Light

Warm Standard LED Corn Bulb, very noisy render, more Suiteable for texturing |

Simple round diffusor |
Studio Environment Texture

Shot with the Rico Theta S Resolution is 6kx3k. Used this a lot in my latest render, especially with high saturation |