
New website up
After a long time working with my own custom joomla version, I
decided its time to give it a slight overall
(Especially for working with bigger resolutions
Please be aware that some old stuff is still missing until
I shift all stuff to the new server

While remodeling the sIBL environment of I came up with the idea of a car commercial showing scenes you would not normaly see in such videos. This will be an ongoing project, wich also have a little financial need (I think I need some commercial footage to get this done)....but we will see. No hard pressure on this one...maybe it plays out, maybe not.
WEEK ONE - 3 Days
The Car was modeled some time ago and is based on a Concept Art fouind online. This has to be improved in the comming time for some closeup shots. The environment is modeled in Blender. Based on Christian Blochs Ditch River sIBL.
Another scene is the sheep crash sequence. The footage is from Pond5 and was tracked in Syntheyes, a cleanplate was created in LightWave. The sheep itself was modeled and animated by hand in Blender. Composite was done in Fusion. For some reasons Fusion forces blender to crash while it was rendering on my gpu. This was very annoying since it would mean I could not work on the rotoscoping while blender did his thing, wich would have saved me a lot of time. For lighting I used and HDRI from Bob Groothuis excellent collection. Sheeps are rendered out individually, so I could mask / fade them in at the specific points in the video.
Sound was done in FL Studio using samples from bigsoundbank and feslyanstudios.
WEEK 2 - Half a day
Using some textures I published in my hdri light dump, I setup an reveal shot idea I got during the week on this saturday.