New website up
After a long time working with my own custom joomla version, I
decided its time to give it a slight overall
(Especially for working with bigger resolutions
Please be aware that some old stuff is still missing until
I shift all stuff to the new server
This is the section for site / personal specific news and experiments. In most cases these are rambings intended as food for thought. I might be wrong...clearly wrong
Primarly thought as an comment reply to a fxguide podcast I thought it would be better to put things together in a short article, on my thoughts what would be a cost effective way to implment stage lighting with hdri |
My personal take on AI and its future as a replacement for graphic related jobs |
My adventures with full spectrum photograpy |
Designing and printing a Rectangular filter holder for my camera harvesting a cheap chinese filter set |
Modeling method I discovered some years ago, wich is my go to method for stuff you normaly would do with curves |